A stable economy is not only characterized by the quality of governance that is spearheaded by refined politics but also importantly by a good education system that breeds and sustains the talent and the intellect.

In Ghana, there is no dearth of post-secondary educational institutions in the public sector. Be it the Ghana institute of Journalism, the institute of Local Government Studies or the Regional Maritime University; Ghana has a provision to cater to various spheres of education. There are 10 polytechnics breeding competitive minds. The Ministry of Education of Ghana envisions a bright future to promote education, enhance skills and thus facilitate socio-economic development.

The country gets financial support from international organizations such as DfID, GPEF, AfDB, USAID and JICA, giving opportunities in skill development and employment. Recently the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA) approved a $ 25.5 million grant to harness outcome-based financing to help out-of-school children reintegrate into Ghana’s formal education system.
Cedi on verge of recording one of its best performances since 2017 The adult literacy rate in Ghana grew from 57.9% in the year 2000 to 71.5% in 2018. The adult literacy rate of Ghana though not as impressive as those of Seychelles and Equatorial Guinea, stood at 79% after 2018. This is moderately higher than the estimated literacy rates of Africa which stands roughly at 70%.

Recently, higher education solutions company Worldview has launched the “Study in Ghana” initiative with the aim of attracting students from Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Presently students from 38 different nations are pursuing university education in Ghana.

With the advent of digital technology, this is the age of reverse mentoring wherein the youth mentor their older counterparts. Thus, it is imperative to create a healthy ambiance for the future generation to excel. The modern world seems to alarmingly incline towards weapons and if the pen doesn’t prove its might over the gun, the doomsday of a nation won’t be too far.





Source: Goldstreet Business

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