Bernard Allotey Jacobs, former Central Regional Chairman of the largest opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has scolded former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu over his recent accusations targeted at President Nana Akufo-Addo.
In an article authored by Martin Amidu, he accused the President of blackmailing some NDC Members of Parliament to do his bidding.
He wrote; “In researching this rejoinder article I came across a news report by mynewsgh.com on Ghana Web dated 31st March 2021 with the heading: “Akufo-Addo ‘blackmailing ‘ NDC double salary MPs to do his bidding – Joy” which underpins the diversionary political propaganda being undertaken by the Office of the Attorney General and the Daily Guide Network. Mr. Jacob Osei Yeboah is reported to have asked a rhetorical question about what is happening in Parliament and answered as follows:
“What’s Happening in the 8th Hung Parliament? Nana Addo is holding the balls of key double salary NDC’s MPs in the 8th Hung Parliament. You all know that when a man’s balls are being squeezed, his mind and actions are incoherently bizarre. So NDC rank and file be calm and understand Gen. Mosquito and Elders. .. NDC is now on Political Dialysis in the 8th Hung Parliament whilst Nana Addo keeps on squeezing the balls of all double salary NDC’s MPs and corrupt high ranking members intermittently. Can NDC survive till 2024?…
My resignation as the first Special Prosecutor was the result of the endemic attitude of President, Nana Akufo Addo’s penchant to usurp the constitutional authority of investigators and prosecutors in criminal justice administration as he tried to do in the Agyapa Royalties Transaction Anti-Corruption Risk Assessment Report implicating him.
My old school ethics and integrity as a lawyer of more than four decades standing guided me to resist the President’s unconstitutional interference and resigned my office instead of being his poodle. It had nothing to do with the Members of Parliament double salaries which I never saw nor handled during my tenure. The President’s responses to the media on 13th December 2018 is evidence, if evidence be needed, that this President determines who may be prosecuted for crime and not the Attorney General or Special Prosecutor as his pronouncements on the Members of Parliament double salaries amply demonstrates. God save Ghana from Corruption under this regime. Ghana First!”
Martin Amidu Is Going Too Far
“Martin Alamisi Amidu has gone too far,” Allotey Jacobs told host Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM’s ‘Kokrokoo’ programme.
According to him, Mr. Amidu has “disgraced his own MPs. Assuming that it is true, you keep to yourself . . . His statement is a conspiratorial statement. He is doing something to feed into the public domain and the target is the Presidency . . . it undermines the intelligence of our own MPs in Parliament”.
Like the biblical quote, “no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper”, Allotey stressed; ”For those who have been with Nana Akufo-Addo and I will repeat and I’ll always repeat it, you will tag him and it will never fly . . . If you tag him with corruption, it won’t fly.”
”Better get something better against the man and not these frivolous statements. It will end nowhere and he’s still in charge,” he rebuked Martin Amidu.
Sourc: Peacefmonline