
The Parish Priest of the Christ the King Catholic Church, Rev. Father Andrew Campbell, has made his decision known on election prophecies.

With 2020 as an election year on Ghana’s calendar, reports have been rife as to which candidate and party will win.

However, according to Father Campbell, God never reveals the outcome of an election to prophets ahead of time.

“Will God sit down and say this to Father Campbell that this person or that person is going to win? No, He won’t do that. God will not do that so let’s just pray for peaceful elections,” he said in an interview on an Accra-based radio station.

He bemoaned people have been in trouble over electoral prophecies and had to backtrack on their comments, adding that Ghanaians must be vigilant and pray for peace instead of running around for such prophecies.

“People have prophesied about elections and they have gotten into trouble. They now come to say they didn’t mean it like that and they meant it this way or that way. They should go and pray for the candidates rather than this so I’m not going to prophesy,” he stressed.




SOURCE: Adomonline

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