
PNC General Secretary, Atik Mohammed, has delivered a word of advice to the doorstep of opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) over their boycott of Peace FM‘s Morning Show ‘Kokrokoo‘.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC), released a statement to the effect that beginning on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, the party will no longer engage on the platform.

The National Communication Bureau of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) wishes to inform all its Communicators, Media Monitors, and Officials that the Party has boycotted Peace (104.3) FM’s morning show (Kookrokoo) effective today, Wednesday, 6th May 2020.

“This decision has been occasioned by the unfair paneling system that the Production Team of that program has continuously foisted on the NDC over a number of months. Specifically, the reason for this boycott has to do with the unreasonable decision of the Producers and Host of the program to permanently reserve one (1) of the two (2) slots the party has traditionally had on Wednesdays on the show to Mr. Allotey Jacobs, who is often introduced by the host of the program as a ‘Social Commentator with strong leanings to the NDC’, ostensibly to spite the NDC,” the statement read.

The party went ahead to describe the host of the programme, Kwami Sefa Kayi, and his production team as a “dictatorial Host and his poodle” and directed their “Communicators, Media Monitors, Members, and Officials of the NDC” to refuse “invitations and/or interviews from the said program, until the station addresses our concerns and reviews their unfair paneling system”.

” . . the National Communication Bureau of the NDC has decided to cease the placement of party communicators on the ‘Kookrokoo’ show forthwith,” the NDC National Communications Officer, Sammy Gyamfi issued.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM’s ‘Kokrokoo‘, Atik Mohammed, in reaction to the NDC’s claims and boycott; said all political figures and their parties “have to understand that there are some things we have no control over. It’s a privilege to be on this show. In fact, it’s even a privilege to be given an opportunity to speak on any platform. We don’t own the station. Did we purchase the frequency or pay your licence fee for you? Is it political actors that pay your employees’ salaries? It’s a privilege to be here. I am not saying people have no right to disagree or to take any course of action, but in doing so, in my earnest opinion, we’re trying to deepen our democracy. We should disagree but in expressing our disagreement . . . we shouldn’t undermine those (platforms). Because when we begin to attack them as being unfair when indeed it is because they didn’t fall for our own whims and caprices, I think that is unfair to tag such entities and platforms as being unfair’‘.

Listen to Atik Mohammed in the video below

Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/


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