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Reverend Joseph Abaalimisi, the Head Pastor of the Bethel Assemblies of God (AG) Church at Kanjarga in the Builsa South District of the Upper East Region has urged young Pastors to stay focused on their calling to serve God diligently.

He said the call to Ministry by God was to serve a purpose, and a deviation from that would put their ministries in jeopardy.

Reverend Abaalimisi who is also the Builsa District Secretary of the Church, gave the advice when he delivered a sermon on Sunday at the induction ceremony of a new Pastor, Reverend Elvis Alirimbey, at the Emmanuel Temple of the AG Church at Bilinsa.

“God has called you for a purpose, and you must stay focused on the vineyard God is going to place you. There are storms in the ministry that may make you ask if God called you. They are bound to happen, but stay focused.”

He said some people used the name of God to enrich themselves, and stressed that “When the storm arises and you don’t look onto Jesus Christ who has called you, you will abandon your calling.

Don’t look at those people misusing the name of God, concentrate and allow God to lead you in your calling because it is He who has called you, and the sky will be your limit,” he advised.

Reverend Daniel Ayarik, the Builsa District Pastor of the AG Church who inducted Pastor Alirimbey, quoted from 1: Timothy Chapter 3 from the Bible and said it was trustworthy of any man aspiring to the office of Overseer or designed to be a Pastor that he was not on the wrong side.

He said Reverend Alirimbey had chosen the perfect way and cautioned him to live above reproach so that people would not have ill-feelings against him, “Your character, behaviour and conversations must be good, especially in your field of work.”

The District Pastor further cautioned Pastors of the Church to be mindful of political statements they make, adding that most Pastors belonged to different political parties, but “We should know how to make comments.”

“I have been telling my members that if anybody wants to join a political party they should join because if we don’t do that, unbelievers will sit in Parliament and pass laws against us. They say politics is about good governance, so if you are a good person, send your good behaviour there and help the rest of us,” Reverend Ayarik said.

The Bilinsa Resident Pastor, of the Church, Reverend Albert Adekaldu, prayed that Pastor Alirimbey would minister the gospel of Jesus Christ in season and out of season wherever he found himself.

He prayed that God would use the new Pastor, who is an Anaesthetist at the Sandema District hospital as an instrument to touch lives and heal people in the hospital, “I pray that the dear Lord will bless him materially, financially to enable him to extend his support to many people.”

Pastor Alirimbey in his post-induction address thanked God for his life, leadership and members of the Church for the opportunity given to him to serve God, and asked for their continuous prayers to help him succeed.



Source: gna


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