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Effective on Friday 1st May 2020, the national media authority has issued a ban on mallams and fetish priests not to broadcast or advertise their work on television.

According to Kwadwo Oppong Nkrumah the information minister, the office of the president has written a letter to the national media commission to issue this ban.

This information was tapped from Justice Agyekum of Abusua 96.5 FM on the Arabanko program at 27th April 2020.

Before the invention of television, information was mainly gathered from libraries, newspapers, and radios.

However, these sources lacked visual stimulation through animated illustrations. Without the tediousness of distributing newspapers or having to travel to libraries relatively far from home, the television provides a convenient medium for citizens to receive information on current events.


The efficiency of the television is evident in a large amount of information that can convey in a relatively shorter amount of time compared to reading the papers.

From this, it can deduce that the main intention of the television is to educate, entertain, and to inform the people about the happenings in the society.

That is why television is found in our homes, offices, and any other places just to serve individual interests.

However, the introduction of digital platforms has turned these purposes in a different direction by some local television stations.

The contemporary magic money flaunting by fetish priest on our local television screens is gradually gaining ground in our system and it is very emotional.

Source: tieghanaonline

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