
In case you’ve been wondering why Ghana as a country is not developing rapidly despite the changes in governments, it is because leaders are yet to accept the long-awaited Messiah, Nyame Somafo Yaw, he claims.

“When I say the truth, people don’t believe me but what Ghanaians want is for a white man to say something and they would be shivering. Leaders of this country should know that if they don’t come to me, there is no way this country will progress,” he stated.

The religious leader and founder of Asomdwee Ntonton Nkabom Som has revealed in an exclusive interview with Amansan Krakye monitored by MyNewsGh.com that until he’s accepted as a true messenger of God, Ghana won’t progress.

“This country will continue to remain as it is and it doesn’t matter if we continue to vote ten times and change government’s ten times, nothing monumental in terms of development will happen in this country,” he added.

He continued “Even if we don’t take care, Ghana will retrogress than its current state that we’re witnessing now. This is how God Almighty has made his ways that until the country accepted the religion I have introduced this country would never know peace.”

Speaking at the Rabbi Festival during a congregation of worshipers at Gomoa Ankamu, Nyame Somafo Yaw said Ghana will retrogress if the leaders fail to proclaim that God is only one.

“Unless the leaders of this country make a move and it shouldn’t be just coming to Asomdwee Ntonton Som but to proclaim that God is only one and that Nyame Somafo Yaw is a true messenger of God before things will go on well in this country,” he told the host.



Source: My News GH


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