
Ghanaian comedian and actor, Funny Face, has spoken about the challenges of being a bachelor.

Funny Face has suffered two failed marriages in the past. This has earned him his current bachelor status.

In a new video, Funny Face is seen busily eating Fufu at a chop bar by the roadside.

He also spoke passionately about being a bachelor and how he deals with it.

Captioning the video, Funny Face wrote: “The life of a Bachelor …. simple life is all dat we live … one day born one day die .. live on dis earth and make ur lifestyle inspire people .. Nipa nso y3 dien? 6ft .. 80 years by dis .. most of da people reading dis including myself will all die and go .. New Generation will start .. how will people remember you !! TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Kasoa Vandamme, EI GO OVER YOU good news .. people are purchasing da ‘Animal kingdom Album’ on all digital platforms ruff ruff .. Tanx for da support people .. love u all.”

Read his post below:

SOURCE Adomonline.com

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