Musician Captain Planet of the 4×4 music group fame has advised his fans to never attack people of the LGBTQ community.
LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
According to Captain Planet, people who come from such communities are not supposed to be verbally abused.
It is unclear what sparked the celebrity to voice out on such sexual matters but his tweet on August 31, 2020 read clearly: Don’t say anything bad about LGBT community.
Some of his fans, who reacted to the tweet, wondered if the musician’s account was hacked.
In Ghana, the law frowns on LGBTQ activities, hence many of his fans on Twitter couldn’t fathom why the ‘Obi Agye Obi Girl’ hitmaker would put out such information.
Read some of the comments below:

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