Cape Coast, 14th June, 2021 The Presiding Archbishop and General Overseer of the Action Chapel International Ministry, Nicholas Duncan-Williams has remarked there is a difference between having a discerning spirit and operate with the word of language.

He revealed that a lot of prophets operate on the word of knowledge and on the word of wisdom but most of them don’t have the gift of discerning of spirits.

Spiritual discernment is the ability to see into the spirit world and to perceive the operation of spirit world in order to appreciate the spirit being one is dealing with and the appropriate remedial measures to apply when one is under affliction.

According to him, these identifies the categories of prophets who operate on different spiritual wavelengths.

Because in his view, “The word of knowledge cannot see an angel. You can’t see an angel by the gift of prophecy, you can’t see an angel by the word of wisdom, you can’t see an angel by the word of knowledge”.

“You can only see Jesus or an angel or a demon spirit in the realm of the spirit by the gift of discernment of spirits and not many prophets have that gift” he postulated.

The spiritual gift of discerning of spirits has the ability to aid the church, set people free, protect the integrity of what God is doing, and help people overcome any difficulty including spiritual warfare. This is where most Prophet lack that ability and it makes waging spiritual warfare against evil difficult for such prophets.

He added he has seen most Prophets who are sons’ of his who prophecy to witches because they can’t see. Thus, they don’t have the spiritual sight to see things of the spirit.

In his understanding, it is the main reason why some men of God get themselves entangled with all manner of spiritual problems with different people at different times of the lives.

He added being a prophet and operating on the level of word of knowledge and word of wisdom doesn’t guarantee you a discerning spirit which can help you to differentiate between witches, wizards and normal people.

The Papa as he affectionately called, made these remarks in a sermon he delivered in a church monitored on Facebook in a video posted by FA Boateng.

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams concluded by admonishing prophets regarding who they chose as partners for themselves and others.

This because once you don’t have a discerning spirit to able to decipher things, you might be engaged to a witch or a demon who would torment your life.




Source: Mynewsghana

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