19 September 2024

The Office of Special Prosecutor has detained Dapaah for suspected corruption and offenses related to corruption after she resigned from her position as Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources on Saturday.

Her arrest is connected to the allegedly significant financial losses and stolen personal property from her Abelempke home in Accra, for which five persons are on trial.

A statement issued by the OSP said “Ms. Dapaah is being questioned by authorised Officers of the OSP.”

There have been numerous calls for Abena Dapaah’s arrest and inquiry after media coverage of the five suspects’ continuing criminal prosecution for the millions of dollars that went missing sparked speculation about where the vast amounts of money came from.

Between July and October 2022, Abena Dapaah and her husband’s personal belongings and $1 million, €300,000, and millions of Ghanaian cedis were allegedly stolen by two housekeepers, Patience Botwe, 18, and Sarah Agyei, 30, along with three other people.

However, she disputes the total amounts said to have been stolen on the prosecution’s charge sheets, claiming they don’t match what she reported to the police.

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